8 Proven Patterns For Catching Snook From The Beach
Each year is a little different, but typically around late April or early May the snook start their annual migration from the rivers, creeks and backwater estuaries to the gin clear water and sandy beaches to spawns. The massive funnel of fish disband into small pods or strings of individuals and cruise up and down the shoreline in knee-deep water. These ghost-like shadows drive anglers crazy by violently busting up rafts glass minnows and white bait with reckless abandonment.
When the water is clear, Seeing 30-40” fish is a frequent occurrence, and what used to be a private sight fishing oasis for the local has quickly become an addictive destination location for adventure anglers world wide. May and June are prime fishing beach fishing times in South West Florida, and each year the number of fly-rodders increases exponentially. Some weakened warriors that seem to whip the water to a froth, others brilliantly talented casters and tyers from unknown providence. Whatever the case, the once easy to catch and blissfully ignorant submarine sized snook, are now highly educated and extremely scrupulous.
Over the last 10 seasons of chasing snook, I have honed my techniques and refined my selection of flies down to just the key essentials required for hoodwinking this exceedingly erudite fish. The snook flies presented have been rigorously tested and have a confirmed track-record for persuading copious numbers of scholarly snook. This selection of flies will ensure you have the entire water column covered and give you the ability to “Match the Minnows” size and location in the water column, no matter where you are fishing.
Step-by-step tying instructions for tying the Captiva Cannibal, Straw Boss, Petite-Coat Streamer, Dirty Squibbster, Chrystal D, Neon Knight, Light Saber and Gibby’s DT Special.
8 proven patterns for catching snook from the beach is a 165 page paperback illustrated with ultra-hi resolution images.